Saturday, February 15, 2020

Final SEM paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final SEM paper - Essay Example This means that the company helps individuals from when they are fifteen years old until when they die because it does not have an upper limit of the target population. The organization deals with all levels of Social Ecological Model (SEM). At the individual level, the institution helps smokers to quit smoking and divert their attention to beneficial projects. The organization advises smokers about the effects of their behavior and it helps them through counseling (Sanders, & Myers, 2007). At the community level, the company creates awareness to the public about heart diseases and the contribution of smoking to the disorder. The firm also enables the communities to understand the effects of smoking on the environment. The major effect is air pollution, which poses health dangers to the inhabitants of the world such as animals, plants, and human beings (WHF, 2008). Through this education, the institution encourages the community to quit from smoking and discourage those who are addicted to stop their consumption. The organization also addresses the issues of heart disease at the interpersonal level. At this level, the company engages smokers and non-smokers in counseling sessions. The counseling sessions help these groups of individuals to understand and help each other in improving health by avoiding factors that cause cardiovascular diseases. The World Heart Federation also addresses heart disease in organizations and also in policy formulation. The organization specifically advises the government in the countries where it operates to develop policies that reduce smoking; for example, the policy of creating smoking zones in a country to avoid effects of the behavior on secondary smokers (Riba, Wulsin, & Rubenfire, 2012). The company partners with other organization such as the American Heart Association to increase the awareness of causes, effects, and prevention measures of cardiovascular diseases (Riba, Wulsin, & Rubenfire, 2012). At

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Art HIstory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art HIstory - Essay Example Meanwhile, on the other part of the globe, lies the Horyu-ji Temple (), one of the oldest existing wooden buildings of the world, exhibiting the heavy influence of Buddhism in Japanese art and architecture, especially in the 5th century AD (Asian Historical Architecture n. p.). In this case, the researcher would like to discuss the architecture and interior decoration and symbolic design from the Byzantine Empire through analyzing existing architectural artifacts of the Byzantine Empire in Ravenna Italy. Then, the researcher would compare this with the architecture and art of ancient Japan as displayed in the Horyu-ji Temple (), and will also compare how these works of art reflected the existing socio-cultural conditions from the period when they are made. According to some scholars, the Byzantine period actually produced one of the greatest period of innovation in architecture and the arts (Fletcher and Cruickshank 282-320), wherein geometric complexity and innovative structuring, a long with the prevalence of iconoclasm and mosaic art flourished (Fletcher and Cruickshank 282-320).